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To be sure, other speakers and thinkers deploy 'queer' with additional senses-an historical term of derision, a specific identity, a verb. What role does cruising play in marking specific areas of the urban landscape as 'queer territory'? 1 For the purposes of this essay, I use the word 'queer' primarily in its capacity as a contemporary umbrella term intended to include the panoply of non-normative sexual and gender identities concatenated in familiar and unpronounceable acronyms like LGBT, LGBTQ+, and LGBTQQIAA. From a variety of perspectives, and with an emphasis upon the US South, this series, edited by Eric Solomon, offers critical analysis of LGBTQ+ people, practices, spaces, and places.

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Queer Intersections / Southern Spaces is a collection of interdisciplinary, multimedia publications that explore, trouble, and traverse intersections of queer experiences, past, present, and future.

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